Personal Professional Studio The Flying Dutchess

Mech. Job and new Cromwell

When I moved to Schenectady, the first job I could find was at Harbor Freight. Luckily, after a few months, I found a shop to work as a mechanic called Warren Tire. I have worked at Warren Tire since April and have been very happy there.
I haven’t been able to work on my animated series, The Flying Dutchess, as much as I would prefer. Yet, I have completed the new version of the Oliver Cromwell character.

My representative character, Ace Malagurio, has a new companion animal. His name is Hals, and he is a Dutch Rabbit that rides at the back of Ace’s broom while he flies around.

blog Personal Professional The Flying Dutchess

The move to Schenectady NY

view of the backyard with snow

After moving from South Carolina to New Orleans in 2018, back to DFW in 2020, to California in 2022, and briefly back to DFW last year – I have decided to move to Upstate New York for a while to be closer to my mother here and her family.

It is nice to be back in the Empire State. I lived in Brooklyn in 2010-2011 while attending Pratt, the Art and Design school. Although, Upstate is quite different than The City (quite a bit colder).

The move will afford the opportunity to continue my work on The Flying Dutchess and focus on my animation career. I started a part-time job in retail and have met several new friends.

Art/Design Pratt

Pratt Cathedral assignment

St. John the Devine Cathedral, Charcoal

St. John the Devine Cathedral, 2011 – Charcoal on paper

6 hour drawing I did at St. John’s in Haarlem