Category: Personal

I have finally completed my first of the Presidential Portrait series. After about six weeks of working on a painting, I begin to worry that I have over-done it and thus ruined the painting. I had a drawing teacher at Pratt who used to tell us to stop at 96% and leave a touch for the viewer to fill in with their imagination. If someone works a piece of art even past the threshold of 101%, it destroys that remarkable quality.

It is so nice to have so many resources to study to try to learn about a person who you are trying to paint in a way that captures more than just a physical description of the person. It is essential to capture the “essence” of a person, and I thought the story of young Washington admitting he cropped down the cherry tree to his father would be interesting. The cherries also have a sexual reference that speaks to our nation’s birth in blood and war through Washington’s deeds.
Since Washington was the father of the American Army, I have decided to speak with an Army recruiter about enlisting in the “regular army”. My uncle, John Szal, was a captain in the Marine Corps. and he asks me not to join the Marines. I thought joining the Army would be a perfect solution as a loophole to get around this. I can enlist at a higher rank with ASE tests and hopefully work on vehicles and/or helicopters. However, several things might disqualify me or limit my options in the military from my past. Also, in the Army, you do not get to pick what you do and are obliged to follow your orders, so I could do graphic design again or become a combat medic. It is impossible to say, yet I will keep the blog updated with what they say and the progress of my next portrait (John Adams). I am not a violent person and would prefer not to have to hurt anyone, yet I am not a conscientious objector by any means.

Capitaland has a policy of letting people leave for military service. Yet, I do not expect them to have a job waiting for me in four years, so I will be leaving Capitaland. I will miss my new manager, Brian Hansbury, and his dog Bandit (my favorite part of Capitaland). I will no longer be around to receive any commission from someone purchasing a car, so no more pressure on anyone to buy a vehicle to help me.

Back with Brissette

After several stressful weeks dealing with my court cases in Texas, I have been able to smooth things over with my lawyer, Miles Brissette. I wrote some things about Miles when I was frustrated with the court, yet he is an excellent lawyer and I would recommend him to anyone.
I ordered a new batch of my cards, which will be for sale again on my website on the Ides of March (3/15). I have been busy with my GMC training, so I have not yet been able to finish my George Washington portrait. I plan to finish by next week so I can start working on John Adams’ portrait earnestly.

My first week at Capitaland was excellent and I was very happy to be placed as a GMC mechanic. I had initially wanted to work on Subarus, yet Capitaland offers the chance for a person to master both with time. My first car was a ‘98 Subaru Impreza that I bought with money saved by working as a lifeguard at Caroll Aquatics Center (my high school pool). However, my second car was a ‘03 Buick Century(in the GM family), like Chevy and GMC(my current focus). I also signed the title of a Subaru Forester to Cheyenne before she left me and took Roman from Fort Worth to South Carolina without my permission.
All my problems started a year later when my stupid personage felt it necessary to relocate to South Carolina, where Roman lived. I hated Columbia, and Leigh Ellen is so rich she still has people mess with me since she is that wealthy. Scott Jaco has not been the best either for anyone and yet, since he is Roman’s stepfather, I have to keep up the appearance of cordiality. He made Cheyenne have a medical condition which made it impossible for us to be married and did not even ask her permission. He also was abusive to the point I thought Roman’s safety was in danger. After my parents got divorced, I was on my own, and I had no one to assist with such a terrible situation I was placed in becoming a teen parent trying to finish college.
I have several new marriage prospects on the horizon now, although I try to focus on my career as a mechanic, graphic designer and painter so it is hard to find time for dating. One of the symptoms of schizophrenia is not wanting to date or have romantic relationships, yet I have experienced seeing “ghosts” and “spirits” over the years. Capitaland will let me work there with a disability as long as I perform at a super high level and do not ever have any accidents. They employ several disabled veterans and disabled civilians, which lets me feel safe to talk about my disability. I tried to sue Frank Bufano over getting sent to JPS hospital against my will for a week (October 2023), yet I do not think I will ever try to sue anyone again since I was treated so poorly by Judge Brandt and everyone in the office of JP3. They even let Frank sell his house twice and relocate to California to avoid getting served a subpoena.
Thankfully, Tim has decided to drop the charges now that I have a good job and want to start a family. I have decided not to say anything bad about him on the blog and will allow him to keep whatever funds he acquired by pulling a job on his little boy.

After a year of lousy treatment on probation, I have decided to return to Texas to take the charges from the case with Timothy Szal to trial. I will take a bus to Texas at the end of the month. It is clear now that I need to clear up these criminal charges in Texas if I want to get a decent job or decent treatment anywhere. I have taken a leave of absence from Adirondack Tire until this matter is resolved. Larry O’Shea, Sean O’Shea and Eric Steele have been unbelievably supportive during this difficult time.

I was blessed to start a new job at the corporate headquarters of Adirondack Tire a few weeks ago. I am so happy to get to work on cars and do graphic design, combining two of my unique skill sets. I worked at Warren Tire for almost a year and never met the owner. I worked at Adirondack Tire for one day and met the owner plus his son.
I only have my son Roman visit during the summers, so seeing Sean and Larry together makes working for them a pleasure. It is so nice to see the owner preparing his son for his future role in a direct fashion. I gave everyone at corporate unique decks of the American Game for Christmas.
However, I have gazed at the cards on the wall for a few weeks now and have decided to make some minor changes. The Los Angeles card that might evoke a connection with the Los Angeles Chargers is changing completely. A few other cards will have minor edits, and I will update the master portfolio page. If you would like to exchange your deck for the updated version, please email me at mattszal@gmail.com, and I will gladly send you an additional deck for no extra charge. Thanks to everyone who has supported my work and family by purchasing a deck. God Bless you. I used the cards to do a reading for my cousin Ryan on Christmas Eve. We discussed the upcoming book that I am writing to accompany the deck.
This book shall be in the fashion of The Pictorial Key to the Tarot by Waite.
All sales of “The American Game” cards are on hold until the new redesign is finished and the new designs have arrived from the printers. We apologies for any inconvenience.
I have changed the cards several times, and I am on 5 different redesigns for the entire deck. The deck was officially released on Thanksgiving, which is when all pre-sale orders shipped. Thank you so much to everyone for supporting my artwork and designs; if you have any thoughts or comments on the designs, please email me at mattszal@gmail.com.

In light of Judge William P. “Bill” Brandt’s military service, I have removed the last press release about him in honor of Armistice Day. One of the officers I was close with and who I designed things for in the Department of the Army (with U. of S. Carolina back in 2017-18) emailed me that Judge Brandt served in the United States Air Force for several decades.
During his distinguished military career, including active and reserve service, he has served in numerous flying, staff and command positions all over the globe–including Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom.
World War One is my favorite conflict to study in history, along with the Napoleonic Wars, the English Civil Wars, plus the civil war between Sulla and Marius in ancient Rome. We get Veterans Day from the original Armistice Day, which is the anniversary of the eleventh month and the eleventh day that the armistice was signed to end the First World War. I would also like to thank my uncle John Szal (Captain in the Marines) and my old roommate Wes Ellett, who went to TCU on the G.I. Bill after serving in Iraq, for their service today.
This is a Flying Dutchess character concept I made based on an English Admiral that uses the Tarrant County District Attorney as a reference – Phil Sorrells.
In other news, I am working on the 4th different version of my “American Game Deck” of cards, which will be available for sale on my website starting Thanksgiving. Each card has a different NFL team, a different zodiac sign, element sign or special major card, which all equal 52 playing cards like a traditional deck for playing poker or spades. The NFL teams only have the city name and team colors since their logos are copyrighted. I have selected +500-year-old emblems mostly from Claude Paradin’s Devises heroïques, first published in 1551. I have redesigned the emblems to coordinate a theme idea and color palette to represent each of the 32 teams. So you could shuffle the deck in strange ways to help you pick your predictions for some sports gambling at West Gate in Las Vegas, then play go-fish with your friends while you watch the games.
I want to elevate American culture to an almost metaphysical place and have this deck hold a space similar to the traditional Rider Waite Tarot Deck. These timeless emblems from centuries ago still have a familiarity yet an elusive quality that makes each one feel eternal. See the “Atlanta Card” for an example. It has the official CMYK red of the team with an emblem featuring a falcon-like bird (Atlanta Falcons). Some teams are doubles, such as New York and Los Angeles. Yet, with color and imagery, I attempted to make each design fairly easy to distinguish. The teams are the number cards and the four elements (32 teams + 4 elements = 36) – Earth, Wind, Fire & Water.
The royal cards are the 12 zodiac signs and four unique cards from special emblems, which I thought would increase the mystique of the deck as a whole composition. Some cards have emblems with related imagery, like Capricorn, which has an actual sea goat on which the sign is based. Other cards are more subtle references, such as Taurus, which features an emblem with a “Dexter Dei” (hand of God) with a sword and a trowel, which makes a shape similar to the horns of a bull.

The Mechanic Wizard
My business, Magick Mechanic, has finally been created as an actual LLC although we have been DBA since December 2022. My business partner Will and I have big plans to expand in the DFW area along with Los Angeles and New York. The basic idea is to provide people with an affordable option that is more convenient since the mechanic travels to where ever the car is located.
We also purchase cars that no longer run and tune them up for resale. Our first two project cars were a Monte Carlo 2002 and a 1998 Grand Marquis. We have since sold both cars after buying them in a condition where they will not start or run.
I learned a lot while working at Warren Tire and National Tire & Battery for the last few years. I don’t blog much about my mechanic work since I mainly use my website for my creative projects.
Yet, I hope to have a broad skill set like a “Renaissance Man.” If they were alive today, Leonardo or Giotto would have been animating things on the computer, working on cars, and painting or drawing in traditional media.
These are the two cars we brought back to life…

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