old gems poetry

Truly Bleutiful

a poem by M. Szal,
dedicated to Frida Kahlo & Georgia O’Keeffe

Our time is near,
out of darkness,
Our fate starts to appear,
pale and shimmer,
Our beautiful future ever so crystal clear…

We shall twinkle like a star,
With our sweet embrace close here,
How long can I hold my breath,
silence speaks ever so loudly, my dear…

Without you my heart feels death,
together we’ll shine bright don’t fear,
I know we’ve both had lovers before,
but no one ever loved anyone more,
as much as I treasure you and adore,
with your muse the deaf could hear,
We’ll make the whole world shout and cheer..

Your a jem that I would fight for, thine path crystal clear,
whatever it takes,
for like a shimmering sapphire of happiness,
to always be within you and always to be near…

I see eternity in your eyes,
truly so bleautiful,
is your heart and soul,
With devotion that’s dutiful, we’re just like,
Diego and Frida together,
The Truest heart of destiny is you and I.

blog old gems pencil/colored-pencil Studio

“Learning & Marbles”

colored pencil on bristol paper – 2009

This drawing, “Learning and Marbles” was in my portfolio, which blessed me with the scholarship to Pratt in 2010. The piece was an assignment from my Drawing 2 class at Carroll. I placed three marbles on a bookshelf with some large, glossy textbooks.

The reflection in the wooden bookshelf and the glossy reflection all intermix with reflections of each other. Thinking conceptually about the subject matter, I wanted to play on the idea of marbles representing knowledge along with books.

Have you lost your marbles?


I was still developing my eye for depth perception and the nested marbles could have been pushed farther into the recessed textbook’s horizontally rolling plane. This diagonal isn’t balanced with another axial movement and thus, I tried to soften it with a very subtle curve.

acrylic blog gallery oils old gems Studio

Ft. Worth Weekly ft. Fringe Gallery Exhibition May 2013

View the article online here:

“Urban Bull”- 2013, acrylic and wax on canvas
Art/Design old gems Professional Studio

Portrait of Anthony Graziano

I recently added some portraits to my ink wash and watercolor section, this watercolor portrait is of one of my best friends from when I lived in New Orleans. Anthony Graziano is also an incredible musician. I am very happy with how this portrait turned out.

Also, you can check out his music on his Bandcamp
Art/Design Design old gems Professional Studio

My 2011 Album Artwork for “Remnants of Fallen Walls”

I found some old images of some paintings I was commissioned to do for a band from Dallas area named, “The Pajammas” way back in 2011. The album is actually still for sale on bandcamp. Check out the inside cover and back after the cover below.

Art/Design Home Studio oils old gems Personal Sketchbook

“Tarnished Teapot color study” oil on bristol, 2014

Teapot color study after Sergeant
Oil on Bristol, 2014 – This was painted from observation from a tarnished silver tea set that I inherited when my grandma Dot passed away more than a decade ago.

This is an old color study that I found while reorganizing some of my old portfolios. I will post some more old gems and rarities like this in the enminent future, especially ones that have never been posted or never have left the studio/sketchbook. This teapot was from an old knock-off silver set my grandmother gave me when she passed away. She raised my brother and I almost by herself, so she was very much like a mother to me. So, even though it is not worth much in a monetary sense, it is worth more than the Sun and the Moon for me personally.

She wasn’t big on Art, but she always believed I could be a great artist if I put my all into the brush she would say. We lost her almost ten years ago when I was only in high school. Grandma Dot is what I used to call her, short for Dorothy. She also turned me on on of my favorite painters even nowadays, John Signer Sargent. Can you see the influence of Sargent in the wet on wet oil style and color filled highlights?

I am also considering making a series of short videos that discuss my studio process and my major influnces from the Old Masters of Art History. I think combining some old works from sketchbooks and portfolios that have not seen daylight in quite some time with historical influnces would be a good way to showcase some of my old work while also informing my artistic peers and the public at large about important works of art/artists that they may have unintentionally neglected or could further their apperication.