acrylic blog Studio

Veteran’s Day Art Competition 2009

I found this from my Junior year of high school in 2009, was blessed to be the winner of this ‘Southlake Carroll Veteran’s Day Art Competition”

“Pledge to Lady Liberty” \\ 16 x 20 – acrylic on canvas, 2009

I was obliged to give a speech at the award ceremony during the ‘Veteran’s Day’ pep rally. I saluted and walked off the stage since I knew they would rather see the picture than hear me talking about it. Sometimes the frame can bring out a mood or more profound statement by monumentalizing the picture plane. I always have been drawn to the play of middle red and blue, like the colors of 3d glasses.

blog Sketchbook

Virgo de Irunbidea

Virgo de Irunbidea statue drawing from sketch book – April 2022, Spain
Photo of statue
astronomy blog Studio

Pangea Collagraph Explainer Video

A brief look into the studio practice of Matt “Magick” Szal with making his famous series of collagraphs – the world’s first “supercontinent” is the conceptual inspiration for these works along with “postgea” – the end of our Blessed Mother Earth…

You can view the parralax web story created for this video at the link below:

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Zen Deco Bungalow Remodel

I recently finished remodeling my +650 sq. ft. bungalow with a new style I created called “Zen Deco”, which combines the art deco style of 1920s &30s with a Zen Shinto shrine aesthetic. These are a few preparation drawings and floor plans I drew during the project.

My artsist studio with final sealer/varnish on floors – Aug. 2022
europa Sketchbook Spain/France '22 Uncategorized

Images from Spanish Iglesia Sketchbook – April/May ’22

These are a few of the drawings, check out my page below for my writing and the other observational drawings from Spain.

blog europa Sketchbook watercolor

Some watercolors & drawings done in France this April, rendered from life

europa watercolor

Burgos Fountain Watercolor

Fountain in Front of the Burgos Cathedral – Watercolor on Watercolor Paper ( 7th of May 2022)

astronomy blog

Star chart

This is a star chart that I drew with aid of my pocket compass and my  monocular hand telescope.

This is a screen shot of the Night Sky (digital version of star chart on an app I use) for the same time early on April 7th of 2021. I have improved a good bit since then, yet I thought I would post this one as I have not blogged about astronomy or making star charts with a hand telescope plus a compass. 


Dance of the Cosmos