
Highlights – Sketchbook Summer 2023

Happy Bastille Day everyone! Here are some highlights from my sketchbook this summer I would like to share:

Drawing of priest during Mass @ StElizabeth Ann Seton

Drawing of Altar @ St. Elizabeth

Hebrew Calligraphy Practice

Watercolor @ Pershing Square in Los Angeles of Beethoven Statue

blog The Flying Dutchess

Dutchess Concept Video

Video post on the FB account that I made from screen video discussing the inspiration/concepts I was influnced by in making, The Flying Dutchess

Art/Design Professional The Flying Dutchess

New backdrop portfolio

Check out my newest portfolio of backgrounds and backdrops for animation (mostly for The Flying Dutchess).


Invisible Cities

Check out my latest portfolio addition from 2018, a set of intaglio etchings inspired by Goya – here


Invisible Cities

This is a series of intaglio etchings I did with some Spiderman collage variants.

The Flying Dutchess

Donate to help fund the making of “The Flying Dutchess”

Scan to bitcoin to use our paystring sir.magick$

or send cashapp to: $mattszal

Email confirmation screenshot with your mailing address for complimentary T-shirt (for all donations +$40 and more)

Art Criticism blog

Essay on sunlight throughout Art History as a medium

old gems poetry

Truly Bleutiful

a poem by M. Szal,
dedicated to Frida Kahlo & Georgia O’Keeffe

Our time is near,
out of darkness,
Our fate starts to appear,
pale and shimmer,
Our beautiful future ever so crystal clear…

We shall twinkle like a star,
With our sweet embrace close here,
How long can I hold my breath,
silence speaks ever so loudly, my dear…

Without you my heart feels death,
together we’ll shine bright don’t fear,
I know we’ve both had lovers before,
but no one ever loved anyone more,
as much as I treasure you and adore,
with your muse the deaf could hear,
We’ll make the whole world shout and cheer..

Your a jem that I would fight for, thine path crystal clear,
whatever it takes,
for like a shimmering sapphire of happiness,
to always be within you and always to be near…

I see eternity in your eyes,
truly so bleautiful,
is your heart and soul,
With devotion that’s dutiful, we’re just like,
Diego and Frida together,
The Truest heart of destiny is you and I.


Whispers in the Wind